PDA Golden cars – gold


The technical secrets of the single-seaters that have marked the technical evolution of Formula 1, the queen category of world motor racing.

COSTS: 1 litho €37.00 – 2 lithos €68.00 – 3 lithos €95.00 – 4 lithos €120.00

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Litho (unnumbered) printed on fine paper. Dimensions 46×33 cm
Packaging: hardcover folder (no additional cost), canvased folder (€12.00)

COSTS: 1 litho €37.00 – 2 lithos €68.00 – 3 lithos €95.00 – 4 lithos €120.00

PACKAGING: hardcover folder €0.00, canvased folder €12.00

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Folder type

Canvased folder, Hardcover folder

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